Physical Delivery

Go away, go away!!

Techniques to reduce nervousness.

Topic: Reducing Nervousness


Objective:  Students will be able to demonstrate various nervousness reducing techniques after practicing them in class.


Materials:  Activity worksheet and five sets of 2 note cards.  Each note card should have a different technique. (Listed and explained below)




  1. Give each student the activity worksheet.  They should answer the questions for each technique.
  2. Split students into five groups.  Each group should have one set of note cards.
  3. Have each group pick a team leader.
  4. The group has three minutes to do both techniques.
  5. The team leader will read the note card and demonstrate and example for the rest of their group.
  6. After the leader has demonstrated the technique, the group will practice the technique as well.  Each person must do the entire technique.
  7. At the end of the three minutes, the groups will rotate, leaving the note cards at the station. (Direction doesn’t matter as long as they all rotate the same way.)
  8. The groups will repeat the previous steps for each station.
  9. After all groups have visited each station, have each group decide which technique is their favorite. And then as a group, demonstrate it for the entire class.


Result:  Take a water break and then move on to the next activity.




  1. Sipping and Hissing
    1. Take in as big of a breath as you possibly can.  Then sip in more air for five seconds.  (you are filling yourself up like never before)
    2. When you are done sipping – let all the air out in one quick exhale and then hiss until you have expended all your air.  Repeat three times. (You will do the exercise four times total)
  2. Big Breath Big Sigh
    1. Put the back of your hand over your mouth.  Breath in until you have filled up your lungs.  Hold the breath for one second, then pop your hand away from your mouth and let out a Big Sigh.  Repeat three times.
  3. Work It Out!
    1. This exercise involves your hands, legs, head, and whole body.
    2. Shake your right leg, left leg, right hand, left hand, head (side to side), and your whole body 10 times each.  Then repeat the exercise but this time shake 8 times, then 6, 4, 2, and 1 times
  4. Rolls
    1. Roll your head down and then side to side, 5 times.  (Never roll head back, this is not good for your vocal chords.)
    2. Roll your right shoulder, and left should separately backward and forward five times each way.
    3. Repeat the entire exercise two times (three times total)
  5. Doodle Bop  (The students may know this one from high School Musical)
    1. Make a falling rain motion with your hands down the center of your body. From your head to your waist three times.  (very quickly).  Then open fists quickly with an out ward motion (flicking fingers out).  Do this while saying (doodle-loodle, doodle-loodle, doodle-loodle, BOP!
  6. Counting Teeth
    1. Run your tongue along your teeth on the outside and on the inside.  Count your teeth each time.  Do this several times.
  7. Shake Up
    1. Shake your entire body for bursts of two seconds and make funny noises while shaking.
  8. Starbursts
    1. Bring your hands into the center of your body, each in a fist.  Flick open your hands while at the same time making circles to the right and left of your body (right hand goes right, left goes left.)  Do this seven times.
  9. HahaHahaHa
    1. Give out short bursts of laughter.  Each time you laugh, the laugh must be different.  Experiment with at least 6 different laughs.
  10. Blowing Bubbles
    1. Pretend to put your face down in a tub of water and pretend to blow bubbles in the water.






Go away, go away!!

Techniques to reduce nervousness.


Name _____________________________                                                    Date _____________


Directions:  Write the name of each technique on the lines provided below.


Technique 1:  ________________________

Did you like it?


Would it help you reduce how nervous you feel? Why or why not?




Technique 2:  ________________________

Did you like it?


Would it help you reduce how nervous you feel? Why or why not?




Technique 3:  ________________________

Did you like it?


Would it help you reduce how nervous you feel? Why or why not?




Technique 4:  ________________________

Did you like it?


Would it help you reduce how nervous you feel? Why or why not?




Technique 5:  ________________________

Did you like it?


Would it help you reduce how nervous you feel? Why or why not?



Technique 6:  ________________________

Did you like it?


Would it help you reduce how nervous you feel? Why or why not?


Technique 7:  ________________________

Did you like it?


Would it help you reduce how nervous you feel? Why or why not?




Technique 8:  ________________________

Did you like it?


Would it help you reduce how nervous you feel? Why or why not?




Technique 9:  ________________________

Did you like it?


Would it help you reduce how nervous you feel? Why or why not?




Technique 10:  ________________________

Did you like it?


Would it help you reduce how nervous you feel? Why or why not?




Which one was your favorite?  Explain?


Carey Teters