Note Cards

Lucky Cards

Learning to Use Note Cards Effectively

Topic:  Use of Note Cards

Objective:  During this short activity, the students will make note cards to aid them in presenting their speech to a partner.

Materials:  Two note cards for each student, as well as extras.  Students should bring a copy of the speech they are currently working on.


1.   Begin class by talking about the use of note cards during a speech.  Discuss why they may be helpful.  For example, they are small, sturdy, easy to handle, less distracting than a normal-sized piece of paper, and they allow for one hand to be free to gesture during the speech.  Also, discuss what information is helpful to put on a note card.  Many people write an outline of their speech on the cards, as well as clues that help them remember to read a quote, move, pause, etc.

2.   Give each student two note cards.  Make sure to keep extras available in case they feel that they need more.

3.   Give students about 10-15 minutes to read their speeches to themselves and write out note cards that they believe will help them effectively present their speech.

4.   Place each student with a partner.  Have them present their speeches to their partner using only their note cards.

5.   When every group is done, ask the class for some feedback.  What worked for them?  What did not work?  How many used clues?  Did they help?  Tell them that when they give their speeches, they will be allowed to use three note cards at the most.

Results:  After this activity, students should be able to determine how to write out note cards that will be useful and effective aids to the presentation of their speeches.